Monday, February 9, 2015

Chapter Three: The Art of Photojounalism

 Photo By: The Advanced Press
Image Source:
Year Created: 1899

 1.Contrast Appropriate-

The contrast is high in this photo, there are a lot of dark and light areas. One side of his face is brighter than the other. I do not feel like the contrast really affects the feeling or mood of the image. The light and dark areas caught my eye the second I looked at the photo.

2. Obvious main subject

The obvious main subject of the photo is Harry Houdini.  He is in the center of the photo and takes up almost the entire photo. Harry (the main subject) is in the middle and stretches from the top edge to the bottom edge. Nothing would happen to the image if certain things were taken out unless Harry was taken out and then it would be a photo of a black background.

3. Is the Image black and white or color

The image is black and white. The image is black and white because there was no color photo’s when this photo was taken. The photographer did not have a choice to make the photo color or not because color was not an option. This is a very cool black and white photo.

4. Why did I choose this photo?

I picked this photo because it caught my eye the second I looked at it. It is really cool how he is chained up like that. The amazing thing is how he gets out of the restraints. While looking at the photo I am trying to figure out how he gets out of all that.

Photo By: George Burke
Image Source:
Year Created: 1929

1. In or out of focus-

This photo is in focus. I can tell because Babe Ruth and the ball boy look really clear. The picture is really nice and you can see Babe and the ball boy perfectly. The two of them are clear and everything behind them is a little blurry but it makes the two of them look even clearer.

2. Keep It Simple-

The photo is very simple. It is of Babe Ruth one of the best baseball players of all time and a ball boy. This photo is very simple it shows the ball boys arm around Babe and them appearing to be watching the game. This is a really cool simple photo.

3. Depth of field-

I think that the right amount of area is in focus. The image uses shallow depth of field. This is because Babe and the bat boy are in perfect focus and the fans in the background are blurry. This directs my attention directly to the two of them.

4. Why did I choose the image?

I chose this image because it was a really nice photo of Babe Ruth. This photo showed a different side of Babe that normally you would not see in photos.  This photo showed his softer side and how he really cared for his fans. It must have been a great experience for that ball boy to get a picture with a player who would go on to be arguably the best of all time.

Photo By: Bill Smith
Image Source:
Year Created: 1988

What feelings does the image create? 

This photo is a great photo. This photo is really inspiring. It inspires me because Jordan changed the game of basketball with his crazy dunks and ability to jump to the moon (depicted in the photo). He worked hard and was able to do something that not many people before him even new could be done in basketball. This inspires me to be the best I can and work hard.

2. Subjects expression

Jordan looks focused and serious. This is not a posed photo is a photo of him about to dunk in a slam dunk contest. This is a candid photo of Jordan. His body language most definitely fits is facial expression. He looks ready to dunk the ball.

3. Exposure time

This was an action shot. The shutter speed was key to capture this photo perfectly. The fast shutter speed froze Jordan while he was about to dunk. The photo makes you feel like he is frozen in mid air but somehow I can almost see him moving still. 

4. Why did I choose this photo?

I chose this photo because it is so iconic. I am a big fan of sports and follow them closely. This is one of my favorite pictures of all time. Michael Jordan is one of the greatest basketball players of all time and this showed some of his talent.

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