Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Pre-Digital Photographic Technology

               The Leica 35mm camera is very interesting. Theses cameras were made in Germany and came out in 1925. These cameras used small roles of 35mm film. With one roll of the 35mm film you could take 34-36 pictures per roll.  “The Leica 35mm was really the first successful commercial 35 mm camera.”  Oskar Barnack actually was the one who created the 35 mm photography and really helped changed photography.   With this camera you had to "load film cassettes" into the camera yourself manually.  Also when looking through the viewfinder it could not necessarily be what you where taking a photo of. This is because the viewfinder was not connected to the actual lens so framing the photo was very important.

Photo by: Sam Stockhamer
Photo of an accident I witnessed yesterday while I was passenger in another vehicle. I took this photo with my Iphone 5.

               The Leica 35mm camera really affected photojournalism and photojournalists. One way is that it made the photojournalists job a little easier. This is because the camera was small and easy to carry. Instead of always having to carry around a large bulky camera photojournalists had the option to carry a much smaller camera. It affected photojournalism because this small camera was able to take a nice clear photo which helped to evolve photojournalism.  Also since the camera was small and easy to hide it made it easier to get photos of things without people really noticing.

Photo By: Piotr, Motion VXF Team
Image Source: http://www.motionvfx.com/mblog/most_expensive_camera_ever,p1441.html

              It seems from my research and experiences that using a digital camera is way easier than using a Leica 35mm camera. The quality of a digital camera’s photo is a lot better than what the Leica 35mm camera can take. This is because of the tremendous amounts of new technology. The ability to electronically zoom and focus the photo makes the photos so much clearer. With a digital camera it is easier to see and print photo’s because you do not have to worry about film or developing film. Having digital images makes it easier to store and send them to other people. It was really easy for me to take a photo and post it on this blog it would have been nearly impossible to take this quality photo on a pre-digital camera.

             It is important to remember that without the Leica 35mm camera what we most likely would not have the technology we have today.  This is because that camera and that technology was a huge transformation of photojournalism. The design of that camera was the basis of lots of other cameras that came after it. Its unique small design revolutionized talking photos. It is important to remember how big of an impact this camera and design did for photojournalism, and how it is was a big building block for what we have today.

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