Monday, April 6, 2015

M12 - Chapter 9 - What Motivates Photojournalists

Photo by Phillip Jones Griffiths
Photo by Graham Harrison      Photo of Phillip Jones Griffiths


                 Phillip Jones Griffiths was a very famous photojournalist. He originally was going to school to become a pharmacist. He got a part time job as a photographer for the Manchester Guardian.  He then went to work as a full time freelancer for the Observer and traveled to Algeria. He then went to work for the Magnum Agency and was sent to Vietnam to cover the war.  He became most famous for covering the Vietnam war. His photos were very powerful and became very famous. He trouble at one time selling his photos to American publications because his photos depicted his view of the war. His motivation for taking photos was to show what he thought the war was about.He wanted people to see another side of the war that he saw. He did things differently then how Lynn Johnson did things. They were both very passionate about there work and are great photojournalists.

Photo by AsiaNetIndia
Photo of Victor George
Photo By Victor George

     Victor George is a great photojournalist. "He was introduced to photography by his elder brother and what he first took up as a hobby, soon became his life-long passion." He is from Kerala, India. He was the Chief Photographer of the Malayala Manorama newspaper.   "He had the gift to convert ordinary events into story telling frames". He was very motivated to show people the monsoons in his country. He wanted to show people the rain and monsoons that happened in his country.   He was very dedicated and motivated to take photographing the monsoons. He was so dedicated that he ultimately died while photographing a monsoon. He was focused on photographing the monsoon he did not notice the landslide coming toward him. He died doing what he loved. Even though he did not have the same passion as Lewis Hine, they were similar. This is because they both were very motivated to tell a story to people and expose the truth.  

Photo of Lewis Hines

Photo by Lewis Hines             


        Lewis Hines was a great photojournalist. His motivation was to get stricter laws for child labor. He even risked his own life to get his message out. He wanted people to know how bad child labor was. Kids were working dangerous and hard jobs for very little money. Lewis wanted to stop this and open up peoples eyes. The employers were using the kids to do work for very cheap rates. Lewis is a big reason why we have strict child labor laws today. He risked a lot by covering thing topic but it was very important to him so it motivated him to get the truth out to people. "Hines only had one shot to capture his subjects. The flash created such blinding light that there was no second shot." Hines and Phillip Griffiths both wanted to expose truths. Phillip wanted to show what the war was really like and Hines wanted to show how bad child labor was.

My Map

After writing down my own motivations, I realized that some of them are similar to the photojournalists I previously wrote about.  Even though we may not be following our motivations in the same way some of our motivations are very similar. I think that everyone of the photojournalists that I discussed worked very hard to get to where they wanted to be. This is one of my motivations because I will work hard to accomplish my goals. Me and Phillip Jones Griffiths share a motivation. We both will never give up on what they want to do. Even though at the beginning people would not buy Phillips photos because they expressed his views he never gave up and ended up selling lots of photos.   Lewis Hines and I also share a motivation. That is give 100% effort all the time. Hines always worked hard to expose what he thought was wrong. I also do not ever want to give less than 100% in anything I do. Hines and I also want to find the truth. Hines risked his life to find the truth bout child labor and expose it to the world. I also want to seek out the truth in things. Victor George and I also share a motivation. Victor was always learning and watching the monsoons. I also want to learn a lot so I can use it to apply my self for my career and life. All of these photojournalists exceeded expectations. I also want to prove people wrong and exceed expectations even those expectations I set for myself.

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