Thursday, April 30, 2015

M15 - Final Project 2 - Concluding Chapter

Creative Experiential Exercise

        The photos above are photos that I took on my Iphone at a Temple football game a few weeks ago. I was inspired to do this because of Neil Leifer who is a great sports photojournalist. I tried to follow in his footsteps by going to a college football game and taking some photos with my phone. Neil actually also at the beginning of his photojournalism career took photos at a pro football game. I was actually able to get pretty close to the field to get some decent photos.  It was really cool to photograph the game. When you are taking pictures of the game you really have to have a good idea of what to shoot and how. Since most of the time the players are moving you have to catch them at the perfect time for the photos to come out clear. It was really cool to be take the photos and feel like a professional photojournalist. 

        I think that my definition of photojournalism has definitely changed since the beginning of the semester. When I first gave my definition of photojournalism it was a textbook definition. After studying photojournalism I learned that it is much more than just that simple textbook definition. That is because of the enormous impact that photojournalists have on the world. I would now say that photojournalism is an art of capturing and preserving history. I say it is an art because it is not as easy as some people think it is. There are tons of techniques, skills and disciplines. Photojournalists are able to freeze and capture great moments. We can learn a lot from a photo. 

      I think that it is very important to know the history of photojournalism. I think that to truly appreciate what we have today for technology we have to understand what it was like before we had all of this technology. Learning about what other photojournalists have gone through and there struggles will help us learn from there mistakes and successes. I think that knowing how past generations did things helps future generations build off of those ideas and create new things. Seeing the progression of technology makes you think about how easy we have it today. Also learning about the past might give someone an idea to revolutionize our modern ways of photojournalism. 

      I had a lot of "Ah-ha" moments in this class. This class opened my eyes to really how important photojournalism really is. When I researched the technology portion of photojournalism I was really shocked at how far we have come over the years. To think that at one time it would take hours to develop a photo and now it is instant. Also how at one time photojournalists have to mail film back to there editors to get them published. Now as soon as you take a photo it is automatically sent and can even be saved in the cloud. Another moment I had was how important photos really are to learning about the past. Also how much biases of the photojournalist can be portrayed in photographs. I had really never thought about this before. It strange to think that all photojournalists have biases whether they know it or not.

      Yes I do think that photos can change the world. I think that photos are very powerful. Photos are great to learn about the past.They really show what happened in the past and preserve the past so people can look at it later and learn from it. There have been a lot of images over the semester that I really liked a lot. I really liked the photo that Neil Leifer took of of Muhammad Ali standing over Sonny Liston is a very powerful photo. The photo was taken after Ali knocked Sonny out with one punch. I have always really liked this picture and it was the first photo that came to my mind. This photo shows proves that anything can happen and that we should not underestimate others. This photo is an iconic sports photo. This photo makes me believe that if I work hard enough no matter how impossible a goal seems I can succeed and reach my goal. I really like this photo and has really been my favorite photo for a very long time. I recently learned a lot about the photojournalism that took this photo Neil Leifer. His story is really inspirational and I really enjoy this photo.(photo below)

Photo By- Neil Leifer
Image Source-

     Another photo that I came across over the semester is of astronaut Neil Armstrong stepping on the moon. This was a huge accomplishment that I believe changed the world in many ways. This photo proves that there is more out their in the universe. This photo showed us something that we would have never been able to see. Without this photo we only would have had the astronauts account of what they saw. This photograph gave us the ability to feel as if we where also on this mission. This photo in my opinion changed how we thought about the universe and this photo made people curios about outer space. This also brought the country together because the first person walk on the moon was an American.


Photo by- NASA
Image Source-

   This is another photo that I came across this semester that I really liked. This is a photo of Michael Jordan and Scottie Pippen. Jordan played a very important game with the flu. He went the entire game having the flu and still played amazing. He would got to the bench to vomit during time outs an when he was subbed out. He was able to hit the game winner. He then collapsed into his teammate Scottie Pippen's arms out of pure exhaustion. I chose this photo because he it really spoke to me. It reminds people that whatever obstacles they face if they give it one hundred percent they can accomplish a goal. Jordan put all he had into that game and was successful even though he was sick. It just proves that no matter what the circumstances you can be successful.  

Photo by- Tom Cruze
Image Source-

      My Creative experiential exercise and my self-reflection are connected in a few ways. Think that it is only natural that my experiential exercise had to do with sports. I have always really enjoyed sports and my major is sports management. I think that sports photos speak to me because I can relate to them. I am able to relate things in sports to things in life. I think that sports are a great metaphor for life. I think that we can learn a lot from sports photojournalism. Lots of very important things started with sports. Such as when Jackie Robinson played in the MLB. This was a major turning point in segregation and really opened peoples eyes to how we are all equal. Some of the photos of Robinson are still important today.

   I learned a lot from my classmates this semester. Stephanie Cady mentioned that  Dorthea Lange said "Sometimes life just isn’t fair. I’m only seven years old and I’ve been paralyzed from this disease that has taken over my body. I don’t know if I’ll ever be like the other children." I learned how some photojournalists have lots of obstacles to overcome in order to be a photojournalist. This photo (below) that Stephanie Cady put on her post shows Dorthea capturing a mothering struggling during the Great Depression. This shows that there is a chance that there could be some bias in this photo.

   Jenna Costa talked about Robert Capa who I find very interesting. Jenna quoted this, "reflect their independant natures as both people and photographers".   This really made me think how the photos that these photojournalist  take a really a reflection of themselves. In every photo that photojournalists or anyone for that matter take has part of them in it. While they are not physically in the photo they are expressing themselves through the photo. This photo (below) shows Capa taking a photo of two men hugging and smiling. While he is not in the photo his passion and feelings are represented in the photo.

Photo by Robert Capa

Devonte Dillion talked about Dith Pran who is very interesting. Devonte mentioned that Dith said   “What matters is that we remember and we keep talking and maybe someday we will mean it when we say about a holocaust.. ‘Never again’” This made me realize how important photos and photojournalist are to our world. This quote shows how important photojournalism can be to learn about the past. Since I am Jewish this really got my attention. The photo below is a very powerful photo of Dith Pran. He is really an inspirational person.

Image by Dith Pran

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